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Tails of Adornment Round Bangle size is measured by the internal diameter of each bangle and come in 3 standard sizes.


                                                               SMALL FIT: 60mm

                                                              MEDIUM FIT: 64mm

                                                              LARGE FIT: 70mm


There are 3 ways to work out the correct bangle size for you. Use more than one method for most accurate sizing.


1. Existing Bracelet: The best option is to measure the internal diameter of an existing bracelet you own. Place a ruler or tape measure flat on the table and lay your own bracelet on top. Record the measurement.

Measuring a bangle

2. Knuckle Option: Measure the length between the first three knuckles of your hand. Start the measurement from the outside of the first knuckle to the point between the third and fourth knuckle. This measurement will match the internal measurement of the bracelets.

Knuckle measurement.jpg

3. Folded Fist Option: Squish together your four fingers, and tuck your thumb in towards your pinkie. Take the measuring tape and measure around the widest, fleshiest on your hand.  As this is the widest part of your hand it is the bit the bangle will need to squeeze over.

folded hand.jpg


Match the circumference of your folded hand to the sizes below.








DO NOT MEASURE YOUR WRIST AND CHOOSE THE SIZE BASED ON THAT. Wrist measurement is accurate for HAIR bracelets only.

You may have a small wrist but a wide hand. Measuring an existing bangle is the best option, but the folded hand is a good alternative or a combination of 2 different techniques.

If you are unsure or you don't have a bangle to measure (or you're ordering for a friend and you can't measure their knuckle size), I recommend ordering a regular size bangle as they will fit most.


Due to the hair work there is no exchanges for the wrong bangle size. If you are unsure of the sizing the cuff bracelet may be a better option as it is slightly adjustable.


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