Frequently Asked Questions
Do I supply mane or tail hair?
If you would like a hair bracelet please supply tail hair as mane hair doesn’t have the length or strength of tail hair. If you only have mane hair and your horse is no longer available you still have options. Pendants, charms, tassels and resin pieces are perfect for mane hair but it does depend on the length of the hair. Please note the hair for any piece needs to be longer than the finished product.
How much hair will I need?
The minimum length I can braid into any item is 20cm, if you have less than this please contact me to discuss your options or see mane hair options above
These are MINIMUM lengths, longer is always better. Do not trim the hair to this exact length.
Exact amounts can be seen next to each item on the price list but as a rough guide:-
Bracelets, (except wrap) Loop and Tassel key ring: 45cm long as thick as your finger for full length. Shorter hairs not included in the thickness.
Pendants and most keyrings (except Loop and Tassel key ring): 30cm as thick as your pinkie for full length.
Hair Necklaces and Wrap Bracelets: 70-80cm as thick as your pinkie for full length.
Horse hair charm, some Pendants or Lockets and stock pins: 20cm long as thick as a pen.
Please contact me if using more than one horse's tail as not all designs are suitable for multiple tails or if you are not sure if your existing section of hair is sufficient.
How to collect the tail hair?
You will need:
Sharp scissors
Couple of elastic bands
Tail brush
Tail hair is preferred as mane hair doesn’t have the same length and strength as the tail. You may want to take the bulk of the section from the underneath in different areas so it is not too noticeable. If possible wash and dry the tail first.
Brush the out the tail. It is much easier to remove the knots from the hair while it is still attached to the horse. Please ensure tail is dry before cutting and sending as hair can go mouldy in the mail.
Grab an amount about as thick as your finger from the bottom of the tail and lift the section shaking loose the shorter hairs as you go. The shorter hairs can not be used and are better off staying on your horse. You can use the brush to push the shorter hairs away by brushing back up the hair, a bit like teasing your hair.
Trim tail hair as close to the tail bone as possible and place elastic band around cut end as soon as it is trimmed keeping it all together.
If your horse’s tail has different colours in it (many are lighter on top) you may wish to take a few thinner samples as well. Please note these sections still need to have the same length as the rest of the section. Shorter hair can not be incorporated with long hair. Use the same method for each sample and elastic band each separately. The sun bleached sections (if long enough) can add wonderful highlights to you finished product.
Once sections are collected place into a zip lock bag with your name and address, horses name and item required and wrist measurement. If using hair from different horses please put into separate bags. Post in with the order form.
Please ensure sections are neat and not twisted, knotted or tangled, all hair needs to be facing the same way as I am unable to work with untidy hair.
How to measure for a bracelet?
Using a soft tape measure measure snuggly but not tight around your wrist. Record this measurement. Alternatively using a ribbon or string, wrap it snuggly around wrist and trim to exact size and include the ribbon in with the hair. To this measurement I will add 2-3cm depending on braid thickness and number of charms. Please be sure to state that it is "snug" measurement as bracelets are not size adjustable. Alternatively measure an existing bracelets total length but be sure to note on the order form which measurement you are supplying. The measurement you supply will be the inside measurement for the bracelet.
The Solid Round Bangles have a different measuring style. See price list for Round Bangle for tips on sizing.
The Cuff for Engraving comes in one size but is slightly adjustable.
What are your prices?
The website has a price list in menu, prices vary depending on type of braid, end caps used and addition of beads or charms. When shopping around and comparing prices please note that my designs are made with Sterling Silver and are not Silver plated. Please message me to discuss design requirements and to get a quote. Interest free payment plans over 2 months are available.
How long will my item last?
With the proper care your new piece of jewellery should last many years. I have many designs where the hair is in cased and protected by the silver which will give you a more durable piece. Sterling Silver is more durable than silver plated pieces jewellery (Plated pieces are only available from Tails of Adornment for key rings not bracelets or pendants).
The strength of the individual hair comes from your horse. I have carefully sorted through the hair you supplied and chosen the stronger healthier hairs. The hair itself is obviously waterproof but the adhesives used to finish the item can breakdown with prolonged exposure to water and chemicals. As with all precious jewellery care instructions I recommend that you don’t shower, wash dishes or swim in your horse hair jewellery. If you have chosen a key ring with silver plated or Tibetan silver ends these may tarnish over time. The sterling silver and gold can be polished with a polishing cloth. You will receive care instructions with your finished piece.
Of the designs the Sterling Silver pieces are more durable than the Stainless Steel Lockets due to the glass component. Resin requires the same care instructions as the uncovered hair pieces.
Which are your most durable pieces?
Some designs and braid styles are more durable than others. Designs where the hair is surrounded and therefore protected by silver like the Solid Bangle, Cuff bracelet, Infinity chain bracelet, Infinity Cross Pendant, Circle of Love Pendant, Forever in My Heart Pendant, Hoofprint on on My Heart Pendant, Halo Pendant, Angel Wing and Rainbow Bridge Pendants, Tube Pendant, Stock Pins or Horse Hair Charm are more durable than hair bracelets. Glass lockets are not as durable because of the glass component.
Can I have something made if I live overseas?
Yes you can. Australian customs are particular about animal hair being posted into Australia and therefore you run the risk of having your tail hair confiscated. Posting clean hair gives you the best chance of it clearing customs. To date all hair posted to me from overseas has passed inspection and arrived safely. Please contact me to discuss your options and for a customs declaration form.
How long will it take to receive my item?
This depends how busy I am but I usually post item back within 10-14 days of receiving the hair. During busy periods like Mothers Day, Valentines Day and the Christmas period this can stretch out. Hair for Christmas orders needs to be received by mid November to guarantee they can be made and posted back to you in time. Each year I announce an exact cut off date to ensure I can get your pieces back to you. Australia Post plays large part in the closure date for Christmas items.
Can I use hair from more than one horse?
Yes many of the designs are suitable for multiple tails. Using hair from more than one horse can create a very dramatic piece. Please band and keep tails separate as I will wash and grade tails individually. Some of the designs with smaller braids are only suitable for one horse. The price list will let you know if the design you are looking at is suitable for more than one tail. You can also check the Instagram gallery to see which designs look good with multiple tails.
Can I supply my own beads/charms/pendants?
Supplying your own beads or charms for the hair bracelets is recommended as this helps to create an individual piece that better reflects your personality. For beads, European, Pandora or similar style beads are recommended as they have a large hole (5mm ) and this allows room for the braid. Please supply the charm with the hair so I can add it during the construction of your piece. There is no charge for adding supplied beads, charms or pendants. Please ensure the charms are quality metals like Sterling Silver. Clip on or screw on charms are not recommended. I do hold a limited supply of charms in stock.
It is not possible to supply charms for the Stainless Steel lockets please contact me for current stock of charms.
Do you have gift vouchers?
Yes you can purchase gift vouchers for any amount between $20-$500. See terms and conditions or contact me for more information. To redeem your voucher it needs to returned with the hair and order form. See above link in menu for more information.
Do you do a payment plan?
Yes I offer interest free payment plans over a 2 month period. Conditions apply contact me to discuss options
What can I do if my item breaks?
Please contact me and we can discuss the options. See Terms and Conditions.
If I haven’t answered your questions here please message me and I am happy to answer your questions directly.
Thanks Kate Johnson.